Wednesday 2 December 2009

TWENTY lengths !….& day two…..

Well…today has panned out so much better than yesterday started!

So after getting my friend, Sue & both boys to work & respective schools well on time I returned home for an energetic couple of hours housework! The lounge is now as clean as a new pin & the relevant furniture moved about to make room for the Christmas tree…I even hung my voile fairy light curtains across the French windows, so that the creases will drop by the weekend!!

After lunch I headed off the the gym…..You may remember that Wednesday is swim & sauna day….& today I completed no less than TWENTY lengths of the pool!  Now, this is where my OCD tendencies rear their head…..while I swim, I keep my breathing even by counting my strokes & breathe in on the odd numbers & out on the even!!!!  So, I can report that at the start of session one, two weeks ago, I swam 6 lengths & it took 40 strokes to complete a length. Today…session three, I swam 20 lengths & it took only 34 strokes each length….so I must be getting fitter or stronger……anyway it’s progress!!

And now to JYC…Day two…today’s prompt was to think about the weather, what would be the perfect weather for your Christmas?

JYC page 2 resize

I know I’m predictable, but it would have to be snow! I would love a proper Hollywood movie type White Christmas! I used photo’s on this page from February 2007, my boys building a snowman & making snow angels! So, if we are already experiencing hard white frosts, does that mean we’re in with a chance of a white Christmas this year?!! I’m keeping everything crossed!!

Thanks for dropping by!


Jocelyn said...

Look at you go.....if you keep this pace up we will have to enter you into the olympics!!!! I love to swim and it is soooooo good for you!!!

Snow did you say SNOW!!!! I LOVE SNOW!!! I would love to have it everyday!!! I LOVE COLD weather and snow is just the best...until you have to shovel it from the that means work!!! Your LO is PERFECT!!!!! LOVE IT!!!

Wishing you a great day!!! :-)

Anna said...

Gorgeous page Sandi! Love all those (stamped,are they?) snowflakes! Must have taken you ages ...

Am very impressed by your 20 lengths. I'd be pushed to manage just two! :D