Here we are…another week closer to Christmas!!…I’m allowed to use the ‘C’ word now that Guy Fawkes night is done & dusted!!
This week saw some very enjoyable scrapping time at the ‘Crafting Time’ crop in Shepreth on Thursday. A whole evening to catch up with Karen, Ann & Hilary & all the exciting & highly entertaining stories they had to share! I must admit my scrappy mojo was noticeably absent & I struggled to actually complete the LO I had taken along to work on, but did in the end!
Do you ever look at your scrap supplies & just draw a blank? I usually have a flash of inspiration as soon as I see a particular photo or embellishment & really hate those times when nothing speaks to me. Thankfully, Ann had her ‘Page Maps’ book to hand & although my LO ended up looking nothing like the sketch I chose, at least it got me started! Thanks Ann!
I’m really looking forward to this coming Saturday when Hilary & I are attending a ‘7 Gypsies’ mini book workshop at ‘Crafting Time’ so all I have to think about is which photo’s I want to use!!
I did receive a rather fabulous email this week! The lovely Shazza has invited me to join the Design Team over at ‘From Screen 2 Scrap’! This is a challenge blog which has monthly challenges inspired by movie posters & some awesome prizes to boot!! I recommend you pop over the there & check out some of the inspiring work submitted & maybe even take part yourself!
Novembers challenge poster is ‘Casablanca’ & offers all sorts of possibilities for interpretation!! There are also ‘added criteria’ which if included can earn up to an extra six points!
My DT position starts in December, so I can’t share my December LO until it’s ‘up’ over there, but I am loving the poster chosen for Decembers challenge!!
What a great idea for a challenge blog this is, especially for an ardent cinema-goer like me!!! I do hope you’ll check it out!
While I was trying to pull out photo’s to use for my latest LO’s I decided to rummage through my non-digital picture library, housed in numerous Ikea file boxes & even some in a mish-mash of albums! This led to my deciding that they were so mixed up that they needed to be sorted properly…resulting in everything being laid out across our bed & a dozen sea grass baskets
being brought down from the loft for the sorting process to begin! A few hours later I had managed to empty four of the Ikea boxes, but now I have eight baskets of semi sorted baskets!
The boys immediately dived in, asking ‘Who’s this?’ & ‘Where’s that?’ which slowed the process somewhat, but I’m hoping to have them all filed away by the end of the week, in the dozen or so albums that have been sitting, empty, in a drawer for way too long! This may not be the best time of year to start a project like this, but it will feel good to get it done!
Friday was November 5th…‘Guy Fawkes’ night, & we were at a loose end! In the past we’ve always supported our boys school fireworks display, but that school no longer exists!
We have never seen the sense in spending good money on fireworks to set off at home & I’m always a bit nervous of them close up, & while there were various organised displays going on locally, the admission prices just seemed ridiculous!! (Bah! humbug…LOL!!)
So we ‘invested’ in some sparklers, which I can just about deal with from a safety point of view, & just enjoyed what we could see from our back garden!!! I got to play with some of the settings on my camera & was pleased to capture some decent shots of the sky & the boys & their sparklers!
On Saturday afternoon, Nathan asked if we would take him over to St Neots skate park, so that he could ride some of the bigger ramps on his scooter.
He is getting so daring with his ‘scooting’ now! Achieving ‘Big Air’ & performing some amazing tricks… like his trademark ‘Double 360’!!! You see, I’m getting quite good at all this ‘skate-speak’ terminology…much to his embarrassment!! Heaven forbid I should dare to say that something is ‘cool’ in front of his friends!!! In his words..’Mum you’re just too old to say that’!!
Finally today…this weeks cinema visit! My guilty pleasure…Robert Downey Junior (sigh!!) in ‘Due Date’!
OMGosh! this is hilarious…several really cringe-worthy but just-have-to-watch moments! Zach Galifianakis is amazing! I didn’t see ‘The Hangover’ but on the strength of his performance in this movie I will be renting the DVD to see him in that too!
If you loved ‘Planes, Trains & Automobiles’ with Steve Martin back in the day, this film brings that story into the 21st century! Go see it!!!
So that’s me for now! Thanks for dropping by & hope you all have a good week ahead. We have remembrance day here in the UK on Thursday, so to all my UK visitors…wear your Poppy with pride! Come back soon :)
Hey there!!! Bet you are shocked to see my mug show up in your comments. LOL! I decided to steal a bit of time from Mr. Boss Man and pay you a visit. So glad I did...I always find sunshine and smiles when I drop by. Congrats on your new DT spot! You will be marvelous!!! Love all the pics of your family activities. Looks like so much fun. Wishing you a wonderful week, Beautiful Lady! Hugs and more hugs! -L
Congrats on your new DT position! SO AWESOME! I just love this layout!!! So adorable!
Congrats on the DT position...well deserved....always love your layouts.
Congrats on your DT - what a perfect fit for you! And I hope this means that you will be continuing to bring us your reviews on the fils you go to see. I always enjoy your opinion and now I'm looking forward to seeing the layouts too.
CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSSS on the DT....I am so happy for you!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE that LO!!! PERFECTION!!!!
Loved all the pics of the family!!!! So fun to go through and look at old pics!!!
Wishing you a great one sweet friend!!!
LOVE this LO!!! Your embellishments are wonderful. And I love the little flowers in the middle of the bigger ones. I'm so jealous of your organizing. What a great system you have going there.
Take care,
Mary Lou
ts on your new DT post! It's not surprising because you are one talented lady. Love your layout
No, you're NOT allowed to mention the C-word yet!! Not till December, please!!
You are however allowed to share gorgeous layouts like this, and to announce such exciting news - many congratulations on your DT post! xx
Well done on getting the DT just booked onto sues crop in December will you be there
Hi Sandra,
Some great stuff on your blog, see you at scrap club in a couple of weeks
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