Thursday, 1 October 2009


I have known my Darling Husband for 32 years....and we have been married for 23 of those! To say he knows me well is an understatement! He has the uncanny knack of being able to read my mind!

I remember one particular instance when we were living in Milton Keynes & we had a falling out over something very trivial.....I flounced out of the flat (as you do!!), jumped into my car & drove off to the lake, where I stomped around the lakeside in temper!! Now, from the flat, Lee could not have seen in which direction I had driven off, and there were any one of a dozen places I could have made for, but when I returned to my car, there he was, waiting patiently to give me a hug!! How did he know?!

Over the years there have been many times when I've thought of something I've needed from Tesco's & he's arrived home from work having stopped off to pick up that item!! Or there's been something I forgot to ask him & the phone has rung...& yes you've guessed, it it was him!!

Well, last night I stayed up past my bedtime as I became engrossed in a movie that Lee was watching on TV, and it was almost midnight before we got into bed. Now I should explain that in our household, we have a tradition of shouting 'White Rabbits' on the first of the month - don't ask me why - we just do!!! I had glanced at the clock & wondered if, as it was nearly midnight, whether I should shout 'White Rabbits' or wait till the morning...when Lee said, out of the blue "you know, they were talking about white Rabbits on TV earlier tonight"....spooky or what?!! Sometimes I feel as if I live in the twilight zone!!

As you know, I have a habit of counting my blessings on a daily basis & today we were presented with a lovely one!! Alex came home from school proudly carrying his latest DT project...a loaf of raisin bread! He struggles with DT as he panics about sharp objects & hot ovens, so to be told that from weighing out ingredients, mixing, kneading, shaping, glazing & putting in & getting out of the oven, he had done it all by himself...well, I was almost bursting with pride!! It was absolutely delicious too & we enjoyed it, still warm & buttered with a cup of tea!! Diet? What Diet?!!!!!!

Which brings me to this weeks weigh in!!! I have to report, in some dismay, that the scales showed a 1lb gain this week!! Aaaargh!! That night at the Thai must have been even more calorie laden than I had supposed!! Ah well - it is a new week & so far so good....I may have to try a few 'Red' days to give me a boost before next weeks weigh in!!!

Once again I am a day late with my WOYWW photo this week - but I did take the picture yesterday & here was how it looked!!

As it was the end of the month I have no challenges in progress, but I was pulling together all the bits & bobs needed to work on Shimelles 'LSNED' project. This has been running all through September & I have been keeping notes daily, but have yet to start constructing anything!! That's the good thing about Shimelles classes - they are always stress free & you can go at your own pace!

Finally, those eagle eyed among you may have noticed the change in the layout of my blog! I have often wondered how to go about setting up a 3 column template & lo & behold, on the TAAFOMFT blog, Julie had placed a link to another amazing blog, Three Column Blogger , which gives stunningly simple instructions on how to do just that!! I did!!! Hope you like how it looks!


Jocelyn said...

First off..I love the way the Blog easy to read!!!! I too feel that Joe and I are connected in some strange way!!! I will pick up the phone to call and he will be in the process of placing a call to me..We can finish each other's thoughts and sentences....I think that is wonderful about you and Lee!!! Yummy for the bread...Oh I just want to go bake some right now! One pound is enjoyed yourself...isn't that a blessing...time spent with friend!!! Wising you a TERRIFIC THURSDAY!!!!

Anna said...

I'm more than happy to send you a packet of roots if you fancy having Chinese lantern running rampant through your borders! :D The pleasure would be all mine ;) ...

Alex's bread looks delicious! I can appreciate how proud you felt. Laura always struggled with DT too. Carrying heavy pots and pans and handling knives etc was a bit of a problem ....

Loving the new blog template - and as Jocelyn says: What's a pound in the grand scheme of things? There's always next week! :)

Lisa said...

Ahh, Sandi! This is one of my favorite post of yours! While you call it spooky, I call the "connection" you two have priceless. I envy that...having someone so close to you, who knows you so well it appears they read your every thought. Of course, if I had it, I too might consider it! Congrats to Alex on his raisin bread. It looks so yummy. I admit I had to wipe a bit of drool from my chin while reading your description. :) Hope you have a fantastic weekend, my dear! xoxo L

P.S. LOVE the new blog look!

Lisa said...

It's me again. Just wanted to thank you for the sweet, sweet comment you left on my "wedding" post. I really did have the most wonderful time. Hope your weekend was a lovely one. Love ya, L