Monday, 28 September 2009

Another Favourite.....

It's almost deadline time for the latest 'These Are A Few of My Favourite Things' challenge, this time 'My Favourite Room'. This was a total no brainer for me!! As my Darling Hubby will testify.....I spend waay too much time in this one!!! Of course this is just his opinion, but even I have the occasional pang of guilt when I realise I am behind in the housework because this little haven of mine has me captive!! It is a real sanctuary.... the place I escape to when my male dominated household is glued to some testosterone charged TV show!!
Thanks to Julie & the gang at 'Favourite Things' for another thoroughly enjoyable challenge - I love checking out the gallery of entries - there is always much inspiration to be had - so, why not pop on over & see for yourself ?!!

Having completed my LO, I am planning to spend a leisurely evening digesting my November issue of CK magazine, which arrived in the post today. Lee & the boys will be glued to the 'Gadget Show' on TV so I will be left in peace to peruse all the scrappy goodness & mark every bit of inspiration for future reference!!

I recently had an email from CK mag, suggesting uploading LO's to their gallery, but so far I've had no success in attempting to do so, probably my limited techie skills getting in the way!! I will keep trying!

Last night I joined my friend Amanda for our Sunday cinema night! This time we saw 'Dorian Gray'.....a classic horror story, written by Oscar Wilde. I read the book eons ago, so knew the story. Colin Firth was very charismatic & Ben Barnes is just beautiful, but the film moved so slowly. I'm glad to have seen it but it didn't really make much impact.
We rounded off our evening, as usual, at Prezzo's. Amanda had printed off some vouchers for a special deal - £10 only for a starter, main course & drink. Apparently these vouchers are easily available on line for a variety of offers at many different restaurants. It certainly makes the meal even tastier when it's a bargain!!! I had Penne Arrabiata, & even though I am a lover of chilli's, this one was particularly hot & my lips were numb for the whole drive home!!

Tomorrow morning is weigh in time!!! I have to say I am pleased to have kept things in balance this week, so am hoping for a decent loss - will let you know on Wednesday!!!


chris a said...

Just love your layout - your scraproom does look like a sanctuary - I know what you mean about disappearing there! I love all the photos, the stitching, and the soft colors. thanks so much for playing along with us at TAAFOMFT. Also thanks for the movie review - I live in a small town and we don't get all the movies here but this one sounds like one to wait for on DVD at the library.

Deana said...

Adorable LO & adorable room! I can totally relate to that being your place to escape! :-)

Cute design & color combo, too!

Thanks so much for playing along with us, Sandi!


Anonymous said...

Wow..that is such a beautiful layout!LOve the colors,your design and the stitching!!And the journal strips are have an awesome scraproom..really amazing!!Lucky you!
Thank you so much for joining us!!

Jocelyn said...

Lovely LO....sweet friend..I love the pics and they way you used the title....such Happy colors!!! Sounds like fun was had at the movies!!!!! Wishing you a wonderful Monday!!! :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is sooooooooooooooo FABULOUS Sandi!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos, and the colors...thanks soooooooooooooo MUCH for playing along with us!!! And even though U weren't totally thrilled with the hubby is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy jealous U say it!!! He wants too! :):):):) And GOOD LUCK with weigh in tomorrow! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anna said...

Love your room. You know ... I'm tempted to turn DS's bedroom into a craft room while he's away! What d'you reckon? Every cloud has a silver lining and all that ... ;)

Fab LO Sandi (as per usual) :)
Hope the weigh-in went well.