Saturday, 26 September 2009

Yum! Sweet...& Ahhh! Sweet.....

The girls night out was outrageous!! The ABBA tribute duo were fabulous - the set Thai menu delicious & just enough people there to make a party atmosphere without being jostled on the dance floor! As designated driver & non drinker, I had the advantage of watching my friends become more & more squiffy & daring as the wine went down!! So entertaining!!We all danced from the moment the music started, between courses & after coffee until it was 'Chucking out' time!!

Since then I have been trying extra hard to keep strictly to my 'Slimming World' plan, as I really have no idea the calorie values of what was on the table - but it was all so nice it couldn't possibly be low fat or calorie!!

So, when I saw that Tesco had a 'buy one get one free' offer on fresh sweetcorn cobs, I stocked up & I have been enjoying them boiled, sprinkled with a little salt & loads of black
pepper - all syn free & sooo sweet & yummy!!

I will be having them again for a starter at dinner tonight & that will be the last of them - I may just have to stock up again next Tuesday!! You just can't have too much of a good thing!!

And now for some sweetness of a different kind! Yesterday morning, I opened Nathans bedroom door & turned on the light, to find him fast asleep & cuddling his soft toy elephant 'Mr Wiggles'. He just looked sooo sweet, it just shows that underneath all that attitude, he is still my baby boy....not that he'll thank me for sharing this with you!!!

And finally & bit of scrappyness! Another September challenge for Dixie Pieces - this time to keep it Quick & Easy! The recipe was: 1 sheet CS or PP as background, 2 rectangles of PP (any size), 1-3 photo's, Alpha's for title & 3 small embellishments. I found it so difficult to stick to just these things & did add a fair amount of doodling, edge inking & of course a few gems & cross stitches!!
This photo was taken in 2000, when Nathan was just 18 months old! He is holding hands with Alex on one side & my friend Amanda's son Kyle on the other. We were in a local shopping mall & they were real traffic stoppers walking ahead of us - they looked so sweet & drew "Ahhh's!" from many passers by - those were the days!!!

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Oh Sandi....looks and sounds like you girls had a blast....I love to dance....and the corn....oh my yummy!!!! I love the pic of your son and his elephant....oh how cute...and I won't tell another person about this pic!!!! :) Your Lo is soooooo cute!!! Love the use of the pp and the title is adorable!!! Wishing you a week filled with happiness and smiles :)