Saturday, 1 August 2009

God bless 'em!.......

Sometimes my boys just make my heart melt! Each in their own way see the world slightly differently & in between those times when I rant & rave about untidiness & attitude there are times when I could just eat them up for being so sweet!!

Yesterday morning I took myself off to Ikea & Hobbycraft. Lee stayed home with the boys waiting for the Sky man to come & install the HD box (yes, the new TV has spurred him on to get Sky+ which I am reliably informed is the same as Tivo!!)

On my return I found that Lee had left to go & play squash & the boys were experimenting with pausing 'live' TV & comparing HD & non-HD channels.

I would have expected them not to even look up from this new toy, but instead I was
welcomed home as if I had been away a week! Nathan brought me my post, including my fave CK magazine & suggested I sit down with a coffee & read it, while they showed me all the wonderful tricks the new 'magic box' could do! Needless to say, I needed no more encouragement & did as I was told!!

As I sat there perusing all the scrumminess, while keeping one eye & ear available for all the marvelous things the boys were demonstrating, Nathan came to sit next to me for a cuddle. He looked down at my feet & said "Your feet look really pretty today Mum!" Now, whether he thinks that on any other day my feet look more like a Hobbits, I didn't ask - I just enjoyed the compliment!! Why is it, at age 10, my baby notices things like a new lipstick colour, hairstyle or a new item of clothing, when his Daddy is, and always has been, completely oblivious to such things!! He is destined to go far!! He must get it from my side of the family!!!

Later in the afternoon, Alex came into the kitchen & I thought I heard the words that any Mum of boys will recognise "Mum, I'm hungry'.
I replied that it wasn't long till teatime & he'd have to wait. He then informed me that what he'd actually said was "Mum, I'm HUGRY - which means hungry for a hug!" Now how can you resist that?!!

So, a new word has been added to the Robinson vocabulary - we could have our very own dictionary soon!!

Now, bearing in mind all this loveliness on their part, the tale I am about to tell will seem very cruel!! But, we just couldn't resist it & it was sooo worth it just to see the looks on their little faces!

Last evening I did the grocery shopping & Tesco had an offer on Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles, so I bought packs of Blackcurrant for Lee & packs of mixed flavoured for the boys. When I got home, Lee spotted these & suggested we switch the outer wrappers before giving the boys any. To explain, it has always been an unwritten rule in our household, that when the boys have fruit pastilles, they save the blackcurrant ones for Daddy! Imagine then, their consternation, when opening their packets of 'mixed flavour' pastilles, they find them all to be black!!!

To be fair, they handed them all over to Lee, albeit protesting at the unfairness & speculating how such an amazing thing could happen!!! Once we stopped laughing, I put them out of their misery & owned up to the switch, quickly handing over their rightful goodies & guess what - they still handed over the blackcurrant ones from these packs too - how cute is that?!!


Jocelyn said...

I just adore reading you posts and how uplifting it was today!!!! How adorable that Hungry means they want a hug and by the way...the toes look stunning!!! You are very beautiful and your family is also!!!!! Now what does those Pastilles taste like!!!! I adore Black Currant!!!!! Wishing you a wonderful a relaxing day!!!! Love to you!!!! :)

Lisa said...

What an adorable post! I always love reading about your sweet family. And I LOVE the "hug" photo. Thank you for always sharing such heart-warming tales! {hugs} Or should I say "I'm hungry". LOL!

Cheryl Wray said...

How SWEET are your boys?? What a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

What sweet boys you have!